Hi all, the bike trip is going great. right now i'm in prince george british colombia and i'm expecting to be in vancouver in like 10 days. i can't wait to get out of canada. canada is huge. 90% of the people who live in canada live along the US border, so we've just been biking through total wilderness forever! We left alaska along the AlCan highway. i guess they built it during world war II because the japanese bombed some of the aluetian islands and they wanted a way to haul stuff to alaska. there is not much along that highway. then we took the cassiar highway and that was even more desolate. just trees and mountains and bears, and so, so many mosquitos! like lethal amounts of mosquitos. Also, there were these black flies and when they bite you, they take a chunk of you with them and blood drips out from where they bit you. here's a picture of what i looked like when one bit my eye

pretty sweet, huh? The cassiar was really pretty and i got to see a glaciar. The glaciar glowed blue, and i was hitchiking and got picked up by these road mainainance workers and they told me that even when chunks of the glaciar come off, they still glow blue. one of the maintainance workers said he put a chunk of the glaciar in his cooler, and it stayed frozen three times longer than normal ice. glaciars are pretty cool.
The one thing that really sucked about the yukon and also the cassiar highway was that all the food was really expensive and in restaurants portions were small. I ordered french fries in this one restaurant and there was like maybe 15-20 frenchfries and it was $5. It almost made me want to cry. So i'm trying to cook more. but sometimes cooking is disgusting. like for some reason almost everything we make ends up looking like puke. check out this dish.

In here I put, some freeze dried vegetables, some cheese tortelini, a piece of bread, three slices of american cheese, and a package of beef mushroom gravey. looks pretty good, huh? That was a meal i cooked on the cassiar though. now i eat a lot better because we're on the yellow head highway and there are a lot of food stores.
Here is a picture of Erik. Usually i'm biking with him or this other guy Gary. Gary is 71 and is cool. Anyways, there are a lot of people who want to use the internet, so i'm off. love everyone and hope you are all good.

that is one ugly mug.... keep up the riding!
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