san francisco
i spent most of last week hanging out in san francisco de cordoba. when i was 18, did an exchange program through my community college where i spent three months living with a host family in san francisco. this photo is of my host mom and sister, cristina and minnie. it was so crazy to be back in san francisco 8 years later. Cristina was so, so happy to see me. i did a lot of cooking while i was there, and cristina remembered things i'd made for them like tacos and chocolate chip cookies.
cristina and her sister are both teachers, so they had me make presentations about my trip in the local school. i did made a slide show from my photos, and made three presentations, which were like an hour long each. it made me really nervous to talk in spanish for so long. during the questions portion, the kids asked me about skateboarding in the united states, whether i had a boyfriend, and if i'd met any famous people. at first i couldn't remember meeting any famous people, but then i remembered that when i was 14 i met gwen stefani. everyone was impressed.
i am currently at a hostel in buenos aires, and tonight i have a 16 hour bus ride to iguazĂș. i'm leaving my bike here in the hostel, while i travel. it's funny, i thought i would really like traveling with out the bike, but really i just feel kind of tired, and like i don't really want to do any sightseeing. i'm really looking forward to coming back to CA. hope everyone is good!
Hi Jessie. So you're all done. I've been following your whole trip since I got back to Europe from my little trip in Baja. So whatever happened to Pete? Did he make it down to Tierra del Fuego? And how about Eric?
Enjoy Iguazu, I hear it's amazing.
Yeah, my eye was pretty awful, but it's all better now.
I just got back from an interview in the city and I totally had the hots for the guy interviewing me until he used the word "asap". As in he said "aysap".
Then I began to think that he a was A Sap.
Can't wait to see you.
hey, Jessie, Great to re-connect with your blog (thanks to Pam for giving me the address). So proud to know you, dear. I've read the most recent ones and am making my way back over the last few months.
We're winding down the year at ol' Hillbrook. Hey, Brian has started a rock-n-roll afterschool class with the older class. I'm cool by association because they meet in my room. Take care, Ro
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