This is a picture of what i ate for lunch. what could it be? who knows... i stopped at this roadside cafe, and i asked what they had for lunch, and i didn't recognize any of the words they said. so i just told them i'd take the last thing they'd mentioned, and this is what came out. i think the tortillas are blue corn tortillas, and i think there was maybe some kind of red meat and chiles in there, but as to what those white blob-y things are, i have no clue.
Holy shit, Jessie. Thursday's was the most awesome random travel story yet. Sounds like you're getting a real taste of whatever "real mexico" is supposed to be.
A friend of mine is from a tiny village in the southiest part of mexico and she speaks a language I can't spell but is a mix of ancient aztec and early spanish. It's so nuts- i think she's speaking spanish to me but then I just get confused.
Oh, and I shut off my blog- so no more updating for me.
Anyway, keep chuggin girl- and taking awesome pics!
that's revolting.
it would probably be harder to be a vegatarian where you are than being a vegan in france (which is what my brother had to do...hahaha...with beth!!)
speaking of, I had a drunk moment with my brother at the nut house...someone asked him how long he's been with her and I yelled "TOO LONG!"
we both turned bright red....
But how does Zihuantenejo taste?
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