We had an 18 hour ferry ride from la paz to mazatlán. we got so, so bored. i think already conversation is pretty limited among the three of us. but an 18 hour ferry ride really stressed our meager conversation skills.

we were talking about ways to entertain ourselves, and peter suggested that we ask the cafeteria for a 5 lb bag of sugar and some spoons and see how much sugar we could eat. there was nothing out there but the ocean. and the ferry rocked, and i felt nausious. we slowley made our way through several icecream bars, a bag of potato chips and the mexican version of hostes cupcakes, and then it got dark.

we were hanging out on the upper deck and peter got really excited because off in the distance you could see lightning out on the ocean. we watched the sky light up for a while, and then peter and erik went to sleep out on the deck. i wandered around and watched families lay out blankets on the floor and curl up together. people slept on benches and under chairs. it was kind of like a mini homeless encampment that was slowly moving across the sea. eventually i passed out underneath this chair and was awoken by the guy asking me if i spoke spanish. he then told me that he had an extra bed in his cabin and i could sleep there if i wanted to. i told him no (seemed sketchy), but then later wished i´d said yes because the floor wasn´t that comfortable. around 4:30 i walked back up to the deck that peter and erik were sleeping on. it was getting pretty wild outside. we were right by the lighting, and the whole sky became illuminated every time a bolt of lightening shot into the sea. the wind started howling and the waves started getting choppy. peter got really excited and decided to videotape us on his digital camera, and so i held the headlamp (for light). we were all cracking up just because it was so insane, and the wind was blowing so hard, and then we hear a giant crack and this florescent light explodes off the wall showering glass everywhere, which immediately is blown all over the deck by the crazy wind. at that moment the rain started coming down, so we moved inside.

around 6:30 the ferry moved out of the storm and we go back on deck to watch the sun rise. we can still see lightning off in the distance behind us. i kept trying to take a picture, but once you´ve seen the lightning it´s to late to photograph it. i think i´m not meant to be out at sea. i´m not a natural born mariner. i´ve been off the boat for a while now, and i still feel nausious and like i have vertigo.
we met up with the other guys. they ended up having to hitch for a while because of the hurricane. but everyone is doing good. i got a hotel room for myself tonight. i´m just feeling a little tired i think. Hey Michele, thanks so much for the offer to stay with your father in law. i´m totally not computer savy and couldn´t figure out how to send you an email from the comments page. hope everyone is good. love,
That sounds incredible Jessie. I wish I could have seen it.
Also, I want to figure out that trip to see you....maybe send me an email if you get a chance. I really miss you a lot.
holy shit, jessie! your trip sounds totally mind-boggling and amazing. i hope you feel better & manage to stay healthy. it's really awesome to read your blog and hear about all the crazy stuff you guys have been doing. much love. (this is anna c., by the way.)
sounds like things are slowly getting better. . which is good.
You should try to hit up Vivi to see if you guys can stay with her folks in Puerto Vallarta, if you go down the coast.
Ride On!
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