i think costa rica will end up winning the award for crappiest roads overall. which is funny, becauase costa rica is the richest of all the central american countries. this is a photo of a bridge on a major highway. trafic can only go one direction at a time, so all the cars who are going the other way just have to wait for a while.

this is a picture of where we-re staying tonight. very glamorous. today we met a japanese cyclist who has been biking for over a year and almost always camps. so in a way, this is high living.

costa rica is total "gringolandia". in a way it's nice because no one is yelling "gringo" at us anymore, but prices are also higher. a huge percentage of the country is protected as a biological reserve, which is pretty cool. erik's map says that costa rica is home to more bird species that all of north america combined. we haven't seen that many birds, but yesterday we saw a whole monkey family swinging through the trees. it was so awesome. i think i'm really into monkies. there was a dad, and a mom, and two babies, and sometimes the babies would ride on the mom's back. i tried taking pictures, but none of them came out that well. love,
A monkey family! I can hardly believe my eyes. I once had a dream where there were monkies on 24 thrones and of all had wings which were covered in eyes. They had a lamb with a harp and a face of a man, he played a song for the frogs which rode on a red horse. It was a pretty good dream.
We miss you! Come back for thanksgiving! Glad you are enjoying Costa Rica. I'll let you know who wins the yearly "competition" between me and Anna/Duncan.
tickets...we are booking them for the 15th through the 25 of February (i realize that you may not be able to stick around for that long, but it'll allow you a little leeway to meet up with us)...
miss you. wish I had seen monkeys.
tickets bought.
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