so the other day i fell over. actually i think i have fallen over quite a bit as evidenced by all the other scars on my leg. i think between the scars, tan lines, and the fact that the tweezers i brought along for my eyebrows have made their way into my patch kit, that this trip is helping me to look super hot.

the other day erik and i were biking along, and i was just super hungry. so we stopped in this little town to buy sodas and chips. we were definately the first gringos to ever go into this pueblo. the whole place like freaked out. when erik rode by, this baby literally burst into tears. he scard the baby because he looked so weird. no one in el salvador is as white as erik, and no one has a beard. first all these kids came out, then their older siblings, then the mom with the scared baby. it was totally crazy. i bet we had 15-20 people watching us eat chips and drink generic cola. they kept saying things like, "oh, the old guy doesn't understand anything." and eventually i was all, "look, he's not that old. he's only thirty. he just has a really big beard." i think erik is getting tired of people pointing and staring at him all the time. i still think it's funny when kids yell, "santa clause!" when he rides by.

tonight we are in san lorenzo, honduras. i feel really bad. i have diarhea again, and i think i have a fever. my whole body is really achy. i keep taking ibuprophen and aleve, but i'm not feeling good at all. it's really hard for me to bike like this because all i want to do is be laying down and resting, and it´s so, so hot. like the kind of heat that makes you talk about swimming pools, and cold lakes, and fall weather. crazily enough, this is supposed to be the coolest time of year in central america. oh god, guess what else? there is totally algae growing inside my water bottles. i think the only time i ever cleaned them out was when i was home in CA. ok, hope everyone is good. miss you all bunches. love,
if that cut is from your chain ring you probably got some grease in there. It'll scar and leave a bit of a tattoo. Same thing happened to me. Say hi to santa from matt
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