back into the real world
it's so funny being back. i've been working at this bike shop in san francisco called valencia cyclery. i'm learning how to put together bikes from their shipping boxes, and i also sell bikes to customers. so far i'm not that great at bike assembly, but i'm trying really hard, so i figure i should start improving eventally.
i'm still not used to being back in the US. everything seems insanenly expensive. and there is just so much stuff. i love going into super markets and seeing the crazy variety of food. all the cars everywhere, and public transport, and the buildings all look so new, and well constructed. sometimes i just get really overwhelmed, or like i almost feel like a tourist in my own country. things have also been really crazy just because i don't have anywhere to live and have been crashing at all my friends apartments, but starting in june, i have a one month sublet in the mission (near where i work), so that should give me some time to sort things out.
i think all in all, i'm really glad i did this bike trip. parts of it were really hard, but overall, it was pretty amazing. maybe one day i will bike the silk road from italy to beijing, china. any takers?
Hej Jessie. That all sounds awesome. I went back to the bike shop I bought my bike at the other day and gave them copies of all my photos. I'm now up on their poster wall. But yeah, deffo up for doing the Silk Road one day. I read loads about it and that would be a seriously amazing ride. Keep me updated. In the meantime, you can update yourself with my own blog!! "imaramblingman"
I'm glad the blog seems to be transcending the bike trip. It's a luxury to passively consume Jessie news.
I agree with the Cryptoclassical Robert.
Also: I think that trip across Asia sounds marvelous.
Hola Jessie, de nuevo en casa no??? Desde que te conoci segui tu pagina, porque quede muy interesada en tu viaje, supongo que fue una experiencia sin igual. Te felicito y espero que vuelvas muy pronto a Mèxico aqui tienes tu casa...
Klausen Pto Escondido Octubre 2006
Hola Jessie,soy Silvia,nos conocimos cuando buscabas donde quedarte en la ruta a catamarca,yo estaba con dante,mi marido y te invitamos a tomar un gatoraide,al otro día nos volvomos a encontrar en la ruta y nos sacamos unas fotos con vos,bueno entré en tu página y me entré hasta mayo que estuviste por Buenos aires,ya regresaste a california? te dejo mi correo poder comunicarme con vos.un fuerte abrazo.Silvia
Hello! I'm melissa who maybe, almost, never-did meet you in central america. It's great that you're learning about bike mechanics and assembly working at this bike shop! I've been dreaming of biking the silk road in a few years too! We should keep in touch!
hey, im thinking of doing a bike trip through argentina.. id like to hear more about your ride and get some advice.
scott jackson
Oh you know how I feel about the Silk Road. Lets ride it!
Jessie, I miss reading your blog :(
Jessie, it's been a lot of years since your trip. How the heck are you? Kayla and I were wondering about you !!
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