
So, when i said that i biked really fast to get back to the bay area, what really happened, was that i biked really long days, but at a really slow pace. At one point i did consecutive 100 mile days. It was cool because I had a whole week off to hang out with friends and family, but what was definitely not very cool, is that i got some really bad sores on my butt. my mom bought me this stuff called chamois butt'r (ha ha.. what a clever play on words.) and now i have to put it on my butt every day. I though my butt would have healed during that week off, but it didn't. now Peter and i ride along and i have to be all like, "ok Peter, time for me to put more lotion on my butt). i think from here on out i'm going to call this problem "the situation". right now "the situation" is not good.
A couple of days ago Peter and I met up with this guy Dale who i biked with in alaska and canada, but haven't seen for a long time.

I figured we should celebrate Dales return, and i purchased some malt liquor beverages. I chose Old English because peters from England and i thought the word "English" in the name might make him feel more at home. i think the subtle "malt" complexities of the old English really paired nicely with the potatoes and canned beans we cooked up that night for dinner. i might have gotten a little bit distracted by the beer, and forgot to eat much dinner. then there were these three surfer girls who were camped next to us, and they invited us over to hang out at their fire and drink tequila. i'm not sure what happened, but i some how got incredibly drunk, passed out, and then woke up a couple hours later at 4:00am unable to fall back asleep. when the surfer girls saw me the next morning, they were all, "wow, you don't look very good, do you need some aleve? Emerg'enC?" it was ugly. i'm sticking to beer from here on out.
Tonight we're in Malibu and this is where we're staying.

Bobbie's friend Barbara is putting us up, and she took us to see this free dance performance in downtown l.a. it was this modern dance troupe from Beijing. they were so, so amazing. i'm really glad we got to see such a cool show. thank you Barbara for putting us up and feeding us and taking us out for a night on the town. Tomorrow i'm going to hang out with Allie.
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