san vicente baja

we got really confused leaving teajuana and there was a toll road and a free road, and we were stopped by these guards at the toll road, and then got totally lost trying to find the free road. then this lady told us to just climb under this barb wire fence and go up this embankment to the toll road and ride on it anyways. so we did. here's a picture of the guys trying to get their bikes up there. erik's back. so that's cool.
Here's a picture of everyone riding on the toll road next to the no biking sign. the toll road was really nice though. we only rode it from t.j. to rosarito. other than that it's been the free road.

hey, internet speed might be slow, so not sure about photos. i think it might have been 110 degrees today. I'm really glad to be in Mexico though. It's funny, everyone we've talked to thinks it's crazy to bike down here, but Mexican drivers have been the nicest drivers so far. i think maybe in the U.S. people get annoyed with bikers, but in Mexico driving is a lot crazier, so it seems people have more patiences with us. everyone has been waving at us and totally moving out of the way for us in their cars. there was only one scarey stretch with no shoulder coming out of Ensenada. i'm a little delirious right now because of the heat. i'm just sweating so much. baja is a neat place though. people seemed blown away by us biking. when we told this one guy we'd biked here from alaska he want, "Ay! No!" and covered his face with his hands. then we told another guy, and he went, "Ay Yay Yay!" it was pretty awesome. i really wish it wasn't this hot though. we've started filtering water, which is a pain in the butt, but i think will ultimately end up saving us money.
no shoulder!? that is scary. the hills look like california. It actually looks very beautiful.
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