
this is a photo of this really nice family i stayed with in Zijuantenejo. they were super into my bike trip and gave me this little toy wrestler, which i now have mounted on my handlebars. People have been so, so nice to me - it's crazy. like i feel overwhelmed by kindness. today i was drinking a coke at this little tienda by the side of the road. i ended up talking to this guy and his kids for a little bit, and he was all, "doesn't your water get hot?" and i said i was always drinking hot water. he took his machete and cut down some little branches for me and then strapped them onto the back of my bike over the galon jug of water i have on the back rack, so it was in the shade. so nice, huh?

I'm in Acapulco right now, but i think i might not stay here tonight. it looks like a huge crazy big city, and i kind of just want some place chill. i sort of feel overwhelmed sometimes. like i just get into city and have sensory overload.
p.s. thanks so, so much to everyone who's sent me emails and commented on the blog and what not. i miss everyone a bunch, and it's so great to hear from everyone.
i'm glad you have a stomach of steel now...i like that picture of you...look's like a brook's photographer took it and spent hours and hours trying to get the model to look as sweaty as you do...lovelove, alice
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