I'm so, so, so, so tired! as my parents always say to me, i've been "burning the candle at both ends". i left puerto vallarta three days after gary and clyde and two days after erik and peter. i caught up with them in acapulco when they took their zero day, but i didn't take one, so when we got to puerto escondido, i was totally tired. then instead of resting i stayed out all night and got up early everyday to make pancakes and go surfing and what not. i probably shouldn't have gone out the night before we left, but it was just so, so nice to hang out with girls, that i figured it'd be worth it. but then i got sick. so now i still haven't rested and my throat hurts. I can't keep up with erik, peter and clyde at all. i have like zero energy. maybe next rest day i'll "rest". It just seems like if you're going to go into a new place, might as well hang out with people and see the town, otherwise what's the point? i really miss all those girls i was hanging out with. i can't even tell you how awesome it was to have girlfriends. they were super, super awesome.

these are photos of what the road looks like. i think erik, clyde, and i are all bored of it. peter still likes it. but it just looks the same everday. soon we will get into guatemala, and i think things will be different and more awesome.

lately i've been listening to the ipod during the day while i ride because i'm hoping that listening to music will give me some more energy. erik peter and clyde were getting more water at this store, and i was hanging out with these kids. this is a picture of them listening rocking out to the ramones. they said they liked the music. anyways... hope everyone is good. love,
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