these are the three girls from puerto escondido that i've been hanging out with today, laura, yuli, and claudia. they want us to go out tonight, but i think i should sleep. laura is a teacher, and i asked her about the barricade across the highway that said carlos is a represor of teachers. she said that carlos is the secretary to the state of oaxaca. in spanish it's secretario de gobernaciĆ³n. i'm not sure what that means in english. anyways, she said that initially the teachers were on strike because they wanted a salary increase. but that it got really politcal, and now there are teachers who were politically active who have been "disappeared". in spanish it's called "desaparecidos".
everyone at hostel shalom is so, so nice. i really like it here. maybe one day i'll come back. yuli says that if i stayed here for three months, i could get really good at surfing.
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