casco antiguo and panama viejo

this is a picture of peter, erik, and i that clyde took. i think it's impossible to do a trip like this and stay normal looking. my hair just keep growing into a bigger, and bigger snarl ball ha ha... part of me wants to let it keep growing, but i think i should probably cut it off.

right now in panama the retired people are striking and they've blocked off a major road through the city. they want the government to give them an extra dollar a day to live on. it's really been messing up traffic, and yesterday we couldn't get a taxi to take us out of the downtown. they've been striking like this for two months i think. people say it's crazy that the government can put all this money into expanding the canal, but can't help out the elderly. know what's kinda funny? in spanish retired is "jubilacion", which sounds to me like "jubilation". ok, hope everyone is awesome! love,
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