Lot's of animals wandering around in mexico. pigs, horses, donkeys... all walk along the road and also die along it. i have seen more dead dogs in mexico. i guess in the US there are people payed to clean up roadkill. not here. i wonder what would happen if like there was a giant decapitated horse in front of my apartment. probably i wouldn't clean it up. how do you clean up a dead horse? you can't bike it away, so you'd need to borrow someone's car. but would anyone loan you their car to put a dead horse into? and would anyone help you lift up the dead horse? i think probably i'd just leave it to rot like everyone does here.

also, there's no trash pick-up. people just through it along the highway. there are a lot of giant scarey looking vultures. they eat trash and dead animals along the highway. what do you think everyone at home would do with no trash pick-up. would people burn it, or just throw it one the street? some garbage doesn't really burn though.

I tried a new fruit yesterday called "tuna" in spanish. i think it's from a cactus. you peel off the skin and then eat the inside. there were a lot of hard seeds, which i spit out, but later learned you just swallow. the fruit was really good though. super juicy and tasted kinda like melon. it's really exciting to eat a new kind of fruit because it's always a totally new unimaginable flavor, almost like discovering a wild color you've never seen before.

Erik's hair grows in leaps and bounds. it's kinda cool being back with the guys, but also kinda a bummer. probably is a lot safer though, and maybe my mom can stop worrying a little bit. the thing that's awkward for me, is that none of the guys really speak spanish. so i can hang out with other people but they can't. i try and talk and translate for them. but it doens't really work that well. also, they're really into staying in hotels, but you don't get to meet new people when you stay in a hotel. erik says he feels like he's trapped in that movie groundhog's day, where everyday is the same. but i think it's just because that's the way they travel, only talking to each other and sleeping in hotels instead of asking people if they can camp on their property.

Peter still looks the same as when we started i think. this morning we woke up before everyone else and made pancakes for everyone. i think the other guys liked it. we're staying in this super rad hostel. everyone went to bed last night, but i stayed up till like 3:30am drinking beer and playing cards with these guys from spain, switzerland and mexico. i totally lost, but had a great time and learned a new card game. also i met this girl yesterday who's going to take Peter and I surfing and boogie bording after lunch. it's raining right now though, which sucks.

There's supposed to be a lot of political unrest right now in mexico because a lot of people think that the election votes were not counted correctly. this is a picture of this barracade that stretched across the highway. it says "carlos is a represor of teachers." i don't know who carlos is, but someone told me that the teachers took over the radio station in Oaxaca. Anyways.... hope everyone is good. i'm doing good, except i'm hardly sleeping at all right now. not sure why.
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